School schedule

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School schedule

Time to meet the Principal: Parents are advised to seek prior appointment to meet the Principal.

Time to meet the Teachers: Parents must take a prior appointment to meet the teachers. No teacher is permitted to meet the parents during his/her class time.

Parent Teacher Meetings: Parents are requested to attend all Parent Teacher Meetings and whenever they are called by the Teacher/Principal.

Fee Deposits: Fees are to be deposited in the State Bank of lndia, Radha Govind Engineering College, Garh Road, Meerut in four quarters. The first quarter fees for new students are to be deposited in school. The First Fifteen Days of every quarter is the time to pay up the fees without penalty. Fees paid after the prescribed time calls for penalty or fine.

Note: Parents are requested to co-operate with the school for any change in timings or others, which will be intimated either verbally, written Note or SMS.

1. Admission to the school is granted as per the rules and regulations of the school.
2. No admission is complete until the Transfer Certificate from the previous recognized school is produced counter signed by the educational officer
of that state, if the pupil comes from another state or from a different curriculum. CBSE Bye Laws will be adhered to.
3. Admission from Nursery to Std. l, Birth Certificate is a must whereas Transfer Certificate and Report Cards are essential to be produced from Std. ll onwards.

1. The school fees will be charged for 12 months from April to March.
2. The school fee is charged quarterly. The first quarter will be charged at the time of admission and paid in the school accounts office. Fee for other
quarters will be deposited the State Bank of lndia. (Only new admission will submit the fee in school office.)
3. School reserves the right to withhold the result or strike off the name from rolls in case if fees and other dues are not Paid for the entire Quarter.

1. Every student has to maintain 75% of attendance for promotion to the next class.
2. As regular attendance is an important element of education, no leave of absence will be granted except for a serious reason.
3. In the leave notice or guardian must clearly mention the reason for absence for such as religious celebration, marriage, illness etc. Failure to do so invalidates the application. Illness for more than 2 days is to be supported by Medical Certificate obtained by a registered medical practioner.
4. Leave of absence must be sanctioned prior by the Principal in case of more than 3 days. Students are not allowed half day school. Once they come to school they have to attend the whole day. In case serious illness the Principal must be informed and the leave application with doctor’s certificate must be send by the parents in a day or two
. 5. Uncertified absence for more than 15 days in a month renders a student liable to be removed from the rolls and re-admission will be charged if he is re-admitted.
6. No student is allowed to remain absent or go early during examination without the prior permission of the Principal.

1. Students shall attend the school in neat and clean uniform with properly groomed hair. They are not allowed to wear any jewellery as fancy chain, earning, watch etc. during school hours. Only simple watches can be worn by students studying in std. 9 and above.
2. When the students move along corridors they must walk in silence and in single line. The teacher in the class will be the last to leave.
3. The school premises should always be kept neat and clean. Everyone must take care to throw away waste paper or material into the waste paper baskets or bins provided.
4. No meeting, party or picnic of any kind can be organized as school activity inside the school campus without the prior permission of the Principal.
5. No collection of any kind can be done without the approval of the Principal.
6. Each and every student should endeavor to keep the dignity of the school by excelling in good manners.
7. Boys are required to have a clean crew cut and maintain short hair, Applying gel is strictly prohibited.
8. Girls are required to make two plaits and fasten it with white bands. ln case of shot hair they can use white hair band.
9. Wearing the l-Card is compulsory for all the students throughout the school time.
10. Students are required to maintain perfect discipline in the school and also while using the school bus.
11. Indiscipline in bus may deprive ward using the bus and your ward may be blacklisted.
12. The diary issued to every student at the beginning of the year is to be kept intact and neat throughout the year and brought to school every day. It is the means of communication of the school authorities and the staff with the parents about the child and it is an important document of the students.
13. During working hours order and silence are to be kept around the premised of the school. Running, Playing or shouting inside the school is never allowed.
14. Reading material like books, newspaper, periodicals etc. not prescribed in syllabus, should not be brought to the school without the sanction of the Principal. Transistors, radio, mobile and cosmetics are never allowed. If brought they will be seized and not returned.
15. The school is not responsible for book, money, clothes etc. Student must look after their own belongings. It is not advisable for them to bring valuable articles to school.