School Rules

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School Rules

1. Information regarding improper uniform, behaviors etc. Will be written in the diary. You are requested to read and sign it daily.
2. No student will be allowed to go home early for petty reasons. In case of emergency the permission would be granted by the Principal only.
3. No gifts are to be brought for any teacher or school except flowers and cards on specified occasion or festivals.
4. Strict discipline is to be maintained in school premises and all the students are required to converse in English only except during vernacular classes.
5. No indecent behavior of students or parents is allowed . Strict action will be taken in case of such behavior.
6. No eatables/gifts are allowed to be distributed in the school on birthdays.
7. The students should wear school uniform, sports uniform, shoes etc. of the color and pattern approved by the school.
8. The students should maintain his/her personal neatness. They should cut their nails regularly and boys should have a regular hair cut. No fancy hair cut are allowed. Applying hair colour is also not allowed. Girls should not apply nail polish mehndi except during festivals.
9. No parents is allowed to meet the teacher directly in case any problem, They must contact the principal.
10. Management reserves the right of withdrawal of any facility.

The following undesirable behaviors/repeated indiscipline will lead to serious consequences leading even to expulsion, if not corrected:

1. Damaging school furniture, fixtures/building or things belonging to others.
2. Writing or drawing anything on the walls or school furniture.
3. Indulging in uncivilized behavior or using abusive language.
4. Bringing costly or undesirable articles to school like CDs, video cassettes, camera, cell phones, etc.
5. Scribbling writing anything on the school uniform.
6. Bullying or using any form of physical/violence against fellow students or younger or any member of the staff.
7. Bursting crackers or throwing colour on one another within or near the school premises.
8. Using unfair means during a test/examination. May lead to expulsion from school.

No Transfer certificate will be issued unless applied for in the proper form by the parents or guardian in writing and after all the dues have been paid.Duplicate Transfer certificate will be issued only when the application is supported by an affidavit stating reason for losing the original Transfer Certificate. If a child has to be withdrawn from the school, at least one calendar month prior notice in writing is required.

Every student on his/her birthday is greeted in the morning assembly. Students upto class V are allowed to come without uniform but in decent clothes. Parents may, if they desire so, celebrate the birthday of the child in the school by distributing not more than 2 toffees each to their classmates and friends. No other form of celebration in the school is allowed. The school will not allowed any student to go directly from the school to attend birthday celebrations of any other student.